viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017


The queen of the ocean Ariel was really worried because what was happening to the ocean , she notice that all the animals of the ocean were being killed and taken away by a mysterious force. She did not know what to do , she did not know what she was facing. One day an informant of the Queen told ger that it was a major human force that could not be killed by the ocean species. so the Queen created a magic horse that is designed to protect the ocean at night and killied any human foce that tired to harm it.

Since that day now anytime that the ocean is being harmed by any mem forces or human force the magic horse appeares and killed them by slicing their throat open.Now all the creatures of the ocean are back and the ocean is protected.


Many years ago the little city of Cold Oak in the north of Colombia was created on top of a cementery but no one really knew , so when people stared to live in there they thought it was a beautiful, colorful , really nice city , and they were all really happy in where they lived , that was until one night the husband of a loving family started noticing really wierd thing around their daughter, it was like she was always talking to someone else at nights. One day the father and the mother stayed up late to se what was really happening and they say their dauther talking to a dark figure with yellow eyes. They truly did not know what to do. The family found out that the were not  the only ones that have gone through that ,so they called someone specialized in wierd creatures and demonic actions. The people they called found traces of sulfur and they told all the familien in Cold Oak that not only demons but spirits were around. From that day Cold Oak became the most hunted place in the north of Colombia.

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017



  • In Genesis 1 we have no world at the beginning , In the world on the turtle's neck we already have the sky world and ocean world.
  • In Genesis 1 we have just one god , In the world on the turtle's back we have different gods.
  • In the World on the turtle's map they celebrated evil by doing ritual to the bad brother.
  • In the Genesis 1 the world was created by god and lasted seven days to be made , In the World on the turtle's back the world was created by the ancestors.


  • The women were very alike in both stories they were the one's who committed the crime.
  • Both stories have a sacred tree.
  • Both stories had the brother that were jealous of one another.
  • Both stories have the good brother and the bad brother.
  • In both stories good and evil is needed to have a balance.


  • The Genesis 1 it's a pice of information taken from the bible , the World on the tutle's back it's a myth.
  • In the Genesis God made us humans in a different way ,  in the World on the tutle's back the good brother made us out of clay.
  • In the Genesis 1 animals are dependent of humans , in the World on the turtle's back animals already existed and they were totally independent.

BY: Valerie Camacho