viernes, 30 de marzo de 2018


In the world we live in , we all have the same rights. It does not matter if we are woman , man or just a little kid , because we all are humans beings , we all deserve the same respect and tolerance. When someone thinks that just because he is a man has the right to hurt , insult , violate or overstep a woman or a little kid , he is completely wrong. 

Violence is the use of physical force to injure people or property. Violence is nothing new , is something that has been in the world for a really long time. A long time ago violence against women and children existed because of how the society , ideas or even religion  of that community , city or country were established , because before the normal idea of a happy home was a house full of children or with at least one cild , a mom that did all the work around the house while taking care of the children , and a dad that worked and had to be treated like a king , because everything that the masculine older figure of the house wanted he would have and whatever rule he would state in the house was meant to be followed and just because he was the man and because that was how the society of that time worked or that was what the religion that they followed stated. In that time the man violating , punishing , harassing the woman or the kids because they did something that he did not like , or they did not listen to him was so normal , for the society at that time it was completely normal , for them that was a happy home. Now in the present that that we live in things do not work like that anymore , and we can say that how things changed in a way is a very good thing , because now a woman is not forced to be the ¨maid¨ of the family , now women have a lot of more freedom , but is a shame that the violence did not changed one bit. Even in this century that we live in violence is a really big thing that keeps happening , and sadly it seems like is not going to stop anytime soon. Violence in a family keeps happening , women being harassed , insulted , violated still happens . Kidnapping , punching , harassing insulting a little kid still happens and those are the bad things that people that thankfully do not go through that violence don’t really think about . But we all even if we are being harassed or are being harassed have to think about. We as people have to think of the way that violence is affecting your family and the people around them , because violence does not affects jus directly it affects also indirectly. Violence just not causes bruises on the skin , it cause mental illness , insecurities , traumas and so many more bad thing to the person especially if it is a family. Imagine the trauma and all the insecurities that a little kid will grow with , watching their mother being beaten every single night , by a drunken man or a man that has a mental illness and is not aware of his own acts , because is really sad to say that sometimes the person doing the beatings , the harassing is not aware of what he is doing , or that person grew up watching that and thing that violence is the answer to everything , that is why even though I am one hundred percent against violence and I think that if someone is going through something bad or is being harassed has to speak out and ask for help , but not just for them but also for the person that is harassing , because if the person harassing is not a drunk , messed up person , then he could possibly have a mental illness or traumas and also need help.

At the end of the day I think that violence is something that shouldn’t exist because we all are human being , we all deserve to be happy , we deserve a peaceful life without any fears. In the end it doesn’t matter if we are a woman , man or a little kid we deserve to be respected , tolerated and understand. Violence is not the answer and is wrong in all ways shapes and forms.

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