martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017


 In this essay I am explaining how Christmas should be celebrated , this topic is connected to the essay before , because of the general topic that is Christmas. But in this one I am going to share my point of view and what I think is the point of view of other people on how Christmas should be celebrated , either in a religious way or a social way.

As stated in the essay before , Christmas is a annual commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ , that is observed most commonly the 25th of December. For many people Christmas starts from the 24th or 25th until New Years ,  for me is not that way , I personally think that Christmas is a full month , that starts from the 30th of November to the 31st of December and for some other people it ends in January. I think that Christmas does not have a exact way of being celebrated , because for everyone Christmas is not the same , there are people that think that Christmas has to be solemnly religious , for others is just a social celebration , for others is a mixture of both and some do not even celebrated because they simply do not believe in it. For those people that celebrate Christmas in just a religious way , they stick to the traditional christmas days , they accomplish the advent period correctly by actually doing it , they only celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and nothing else , they may do the 24th feast but without any gifts to share , just them honoring the birth of Jesus Christ , and going to church .  For the one that think that Christmas is just a time to celebrate , they simply leave religion aside and bring the party , drinks and gatherings up front , that sometimes they do not even care that we are celebrating the birth of Jesus that they jump straight to the carnival season , that comes in February  . For the ones that do a mixture of them both , they accomplish the traditional religious process of Christmas , and pray in church , but they twist it all adding new ideas to make a even better Christmas , like doing novenas , singing Christmas carols , doing small gatherings with families to remember of the great year that has gone bye , and the 24th they do the big feast with all the family , just enjoying each other presence laughing , listing to music and eating. For does how do not share the same religion they have their own tradition that may be similar to Christmas , and for the people that simply do not believe is another normal month , where they can do whatever they want and party. 
I think that one of the most important factors is how at the end we all are more united because , those special gatherings and new traditions , even decorating a house bring all of us together.

At the end of the day it does not matter how you celebrated Christmas , the important thing about this month , aside the birth of Jesus , is how families reunite and have a great time together , they catch up , they travel , they share the memories of things that had happen to them , and all with joy and love. In my personal opinion , I think that there is nothing wrong finding a balance between religious and social way of celebrating Christmas, In my house we celebrate Christmas combining those two factor , and we all have a very great time fill with joy and love.

Christmas Market in Colmar

viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017


In this essay I am going to talk about how some people actually see Christmas today , and give my personal opinion on how I see it .  To do this I am going to start with the definition of Christmas and the religious process that comes along with it.

Christmas is a annual commemorating the brith of Jesus Christ , observed most commonly on December 25th as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world , because there is a lot of people that share a different religion and do not celebrate Christmas , or people that simply does not believe in it. Christmas is a sacred religious holiday that has become in a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. During the month of December before the actual birth of Jesus Christ we prepare with the advent period , that begins near the 30th of November. Now in this present time Christmas in my personal opinion has been a lot more commercialize than before , some people actually forget the meaning of Christmas or even what we celebrate in this time of the year. A lot of people now invented ideas that have been incorporated into Christmas , like the new year resolution , which is some new goals that people create for themselves and that the majority of time the never accomplish, the mistletoe right above your doorstep , in Colombia the day of las velitas that is supposed to be the day where Virgin Mary pass through our houses and leaves a great , sinless , joyful spirit , but many people has taken that day to light up wildfire and people actually gets hurt , the large feast , the present we are supposed to give, Santa Claus and the holly wreaths. Now some people decorate their houses with religious symbols that they do not even know what they mean. But in another hand all these new inventions like Santa Claus , the big 24th feast , the velitas day and religious symbols helps bring family together ,  because the family all reunites to celebrate these days , to have fun , and to remember memories of the year that has gone and create new one of the year that is coming , all the religious symbols and even Santa help us to teach the children the true meaning of christmas. So it is not a bad thing to add a few non religious ideas to the Christmas holiday , because the meaning will never be lost and commercialization will always be a thing , it will always exist because people need money to actually live and Christmas is not the only holiday with a meaning that has been commercialize.

To conclude this essay , my personal opinion is that Christmas is a combination of a cultural and commercialize date and a very big and important religious and sacred occasion. I think that is not bad for Christmas to be these way because the true meaning of Christmas is not lost and all these new ideas and additions to these holiday helps bring a lot of families together , after all Christmas is the most special and beautiful holiday of the year.

sábado, 18 de noviembre de 2017


Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. We as humans it does not matter where we are from , or what we believe in , if we are black or white we have humans rights that protect us and can not be broken.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world, from birth until we die. Human rights apply to every single individual regardless of the life they decide to live. But because this world is not perfect human rights are broken on a daily basis in every part of the world. Humans right are broken in the United States of America,  in the United Kingdom , Australia , Canada , Pakistan , Syria. They are broken every where all the time , it does not matter how some people fight for them to be respected , in this world still we have terrorist groups, we have homophobic people , we have racist people , we have people that fight each other because they believe in things completely different , we have people that fight because they have a different religious belief and we can not  change that even if we want to , humans right will be broken until we start to understand that out of the 7350 millions of people in this world , each and every one of us is different. Colombia is not any better. Colombia is known as a country that violates human rights every day , and the main reasons of this thought is the amount of groups that we have that go against the government , example of these groups are el Ejercito de Liberación Nacional and el Ejercito Popular de Liberación. human rights in Colombia are also broken by the amount of sexual assaults , the kidnappings , thee murders , the force displacements and a lot more things. But that does not mean that Colombia is not trying to change. Colombia is trying to negotiate with all those groups that are bad none of them bring out any good to the country , the first negotiation took a lot of time , it actually took years to be made , but after all it was made with las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia that thanks to the negotiation they now are la Fuerza Alternativa Revolucionaria del Común , the arrangements made may not be perfect and many people are not happy with the decision made , it shows that we are looking for a change.

Human rights are universal they are for all of us , they are inalienable they can not be taken away from us , they are indivisible and interdependent governments should not be able to pick and choose which are respected. Human rights are out there for a reason , if we follow them and if we respect as we should this world would be so much better, because ate the end of the day it does not matter your color , ethnic group, sexuality , gender , religion , nationality or any kind of social status , the only thing that matters is that you are a human being as all of us and that should be respected.

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

Fashion Influence

Fashion has a big influence on poeple because for most is a way of escape from reality. It is said that fashion is a prevailing custom or style of dress , it is a conventional usage in dress , manners especially of  polite society or conformity to it , But that is fashion for an old book with a bunch of words in it and for a few people. Because for most is a way to express yourself , is something that you can play with , is something that you can use to break the rules of conventional dressing , but most importantly is something that makes people happy.
As a lot of things like buisness , architecture and medicine , fashion is something thet you study is not as boring like the rest , is very interesting and you have a lot of fun while studying , with fashion you can make a career and have a fun time when you are working. But as the other careers fashion also has a lot of rules and factors . Fashion has three major factors , the first one being haute couture houses these are the business of making , designing and creating costume made high fashion clothing items , the second one being the media. For fashion , media is a very important factor because that is how they sell and show to the public all the new and expensive items of clothing or accessories that the big fashion haute couture houses or the big fashion designers make. The third and last but not least factor of fashion is celebrities , fashion houses ,designers and all those big fashion influencers are in love with them , the reason why? They make the brand even bigger. Celebrities are people that we see everyday in television show , social media outles , billbords , advertisement and we see what they are wearing and most of all instanly want it , we don’t care about the price or if we really want it or not , but we saw that exact same item in that big celebrity and we have to have it.
But at the same time fashion is not all fun and games , you will have a lot of fun while working in any type of fashion job , but there is always a bad side to everything. Fashion is also known for being really expensive , not everyone can have the pleasure of saying “ My closet is all haute couture” because many of us do not have the fortune of being billioners. In media fashion can’t always win, because the media show us the real side of how those clothing items are made , and not a lot of brands are animal friendly. Media shows us how animals can be killied just to make this big beautiful coat , with media people that worked in one of the big brands of clothing and got fired could make a false testimony talking really bad about that especific brand and that testimony could go viral and that brand could loose thousands of clients . Celebrities are bad in a way not just for fashion , but sometimes for us because we get so obsessed with them that we want to be them , we want to be like them , we may want to be as skinny as they are so that normal people that are not models or have a lot of money could work for that big brand and that could make that person engaged with eating disorders and that person could suffer anorexia or bulimia. And all because that person wanted to be a bug celebrity and work for the most famous fashion brand.
At the end fashion is not the most perfect industry it has flaws as everything , but is very important for a lot of people , they find their career goals with fashion , they picture themselves working in the big fashion industry. Fashion is good for all of us if we look at it in the right way , if we have fun with it , we do not need to get obsessed. Fashion is and it alway be a form of expressing. It would always be a form of escape and happiness for most people.

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2017


   There are three people that i admire the most , today i am going to be talking about one of them.
 My mother Aurora Camacho Castañeda. she has being and always will be my role model ,  every moral belief and values that i believe and that i know were teached by her. When she was growing up she didn’t had the best life , but she didn’t had the worst one either , my grandfather was a navigator and because of that he was not at home all the time , grandmother was a stay at home wife so she did not really work . Because of that my mother and my aunt took the role of parents at home and help my uncles and aunts have a better life. She and my aunt began working at a very young age to cover all the necessities at home , the help with the school for the younger ones and with the food in the house that was needed because the money and food that my grandfather left was over. My mum studied in the university Simon Bolivar and then she got a master and doctorate in the area of social working and treating families internal problems , after and during the process of getting the master and doctorate she was working in El Seguro Social she was the one in charge of the social work departament , when she finished working in El Seguro Social she created her own company called Aurora Camcho , she had her first and only child in January 13 2001 and since then she has grown to be the best mother that you could ask for , she is a strong and idependent woman that leard hlw to make a life , out of low resources. Now she is living in Barranquilla , Colombia with her daugther and her brother , and giving her daughter this world and the other one. That’s why i am proud to say that Aurora Camacho is my mother and the person i admire the most.

viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2017


The queen of the ocean Ariel was really worried because what was happening to the ocean , she notice that all the animals of the ocean were being killed and taken away by a mysterious force. She did not know what to do , she did not know what she was facing. One day an informant of the Queen told ger that it was a major human force that could not be killed by the ocean species. so the Queen created a magic horse that is designed to protect the ocean at night and killied any human foce that tired to harm it.

Since that day now anytime that the ocean is being harmed by any mem forces or human force the magic horse appeares and killed them by slicing their throat open.Now all the creatures of the ocean are back and the ocean is protected.


Many years ago the little city of Cold Oak in the north of Colombia was created on top of a cementery but no one really knew , so when people stared to live in there they thought it was a beautiful, colorful , really nice city , and they were all really happy in where they lived , that was until one night the husband of a loving family started noticing really wierd thing around their daughter, it was like she was always talking to someone else at nights. One day the father and the mother stayed up late to se what was really happening and they say their dauther talking to a dark figure with yellow eyes. They truly did not know what to do. The family found out that the were not  the only ones that have gone through that ,so they called someone specialized in wierd creatures and demonic actions. The people they called found traces of sulfur and they told all the familien in Cold Oak that not only demons but spirits were around. From that day Cold Oak became the most hunted place in the north of Colombia.

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017



  • In Genesis 1 we have no world at the beginning , In the world on the turtle's neck we already have the sky world and ocean world.
  • In Genesis 1 we have just one god , In the world on the turtle's back we have different gods.
  • In the World on the turtle's map they celebrated evil by doing ritual to the bad brother.
  • In the Genesis 1 the world was created by god and lasted seven days to be made , In the World on the turtle's back the world was created by the ancestors.


  • The women were very alike in both stories they were the one's who committed the crime.
  • Both stories have a sacred tree.
  • Both stories had the brother that were jealous of one another.
  • Both stories have the good brother and the bad brother.
  • In both stories good and evil is needed to have a balance.


  • The Genesis 1 it's a pice of information taken from the bible , the World on the tutle's back it's a myth.
  • In the Genesis God made us humans in a different way ,  in the World on the tutle's back the good brother made us out of clay.
  • In the Genesis 1 animals are dependent of humans , in the World on the turtle's back animals already existed and they were totally independent.

BY: Valerie Camacho